Shaped By Love
Jim Lucas   -  

The Big Idea of this study is that the Lord uses our circumstances to shape us. We make choices with our renewed minds and trust the Lord with our choices. Like clay in his hands, he shapes us in the midst of our life events.

“I used to think I could shape the circumstances around me, now I know my circumstances shape me.” – Bob Goff in Love Does. I am not entirely sure what Bob meant by that, but it has prompted in me the question of how we find God’s will. Many believers tie themselves up in knots trying to discern the Lord’s will, hoping to hear a voice from heaven when they simply need to move forward with the decisions at hand. God allows us to discover his will by making choices. He has given us a renewed mind so that we can think like Jesus, so we need to rely on that and trust the Lord. Our choices and the circumstances we find ourselves in will shape us, but we can trust that we are in the Lord’s good hands and he knows our needs.

Matthew 10:11-14 is informative along this line and it demonstrates how Jesus expected the Apostles to find his will. They were to move ahead and look at their circumstances and make wise decisions. During this all important mission to the lost, Jesus trusted his followers to allow their circumstances to lead them.  There was no voice from heaven, no burning bush, and no prophetic spokesperson. They just made informed choices and moved forward.

There are three primary ways to follow the Lord’s leading. The Word of God, His Holy Spirit, and our circumstances each play a role in shaping our future.  While it may not seem very “spiritual” to realize how much our circumstances shape us, but it takes a great deal of trust in Jesus to move ahead knowing that he gives us the ability to make wise choices.

Questions for Discussion:

1.  When faced with a decision between two alternatives have you ever been stuck just waiting to hear definitively from the Lord? How did that work out?

2. If Jesus lives in you, can you make decisions based on the confidence that he has given you a renewed mind and that he guides your thoughts like the disciples in Matthew 10:11-14?

3. Discuss these three cautions: 1. Closed doors are not an indication of God’s pleasure or displeasure with us. They are just indicating “yes” or “no;” 2. Don’t assume the worst when circumstances are difficult; and 3. Remember you are being shaped by love in the hands of the master potter.